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Department of Agricultural Engineering

The Department of Agricultural Engineering (DAE) is one of the four departments of the College of Agricultural Sciences and Fisheries Technology at the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM).

Our department provides courses that equip students with engineering and agricultural knowledge, accompanied by hands-on and transferable skills. Academic programs in DAE focus on precision agriculture, agriculture mechanization, irrigation technologies, post-harvest technology, and urban and peri-urban farming.

Academic Programs

The undergraduate program offered by the department is:

  • Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering and Mechanization

Faculty and Facilities

DAE has 11 staff, including 4 Lecturers, 3 Assistant Lecturers, and 4 Tutorial Assistants. The department has access to the college's computer laboratory, where students develop skills in the application of design and manufacturing software. Students also have ample opportunity to manufacture their designed prototypes in various workshops available at the university.

Research Projects

The department engages in various research projects, including Cashew nut and Palm oil processing, Pre-and-post harvest handling of agricultural produce, Automation of agricultural production processes, and development of precision agricultural technologies.

Collaboration between staff and students has led to innovative technologies that make agriculture more interesting and attractive to the younger generation.

DR A. N. Towo
Head of Department, DAE