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Journal and Conference Papers

1. Journal Papers

  1. Abdi Ka’bange, David Mfinanga and Edwin Hema. Paradoxes of Establishing Mass Rapid Transit Systems in African Cities – A Case of Dar es Salaam Rapid Transit (DART) System, Tanzania. Research in Transportation Economics (2014), pp. 176-183.
  2. David A. Mfinanga and Joseph K. Mnkeni. Modelling Premature Asphalt Pavement Rutting Using Field Data. TheMtanzania Engineer Journal. Vol. 13 No. 1, June 2014. pp. 27-45.
  3. David A. Mfinanga. Ineffective Human Control of Signalised Intersections in Developing Countries; Case of Dar es Salaam city. Journal of TransportationResearch Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour; 27(2014). Published online by Elsevier on 11thNovember 2014. pp. 174-181.
  4. David A. Mfinanga. Implication of Pedestrians’ Stated Preference of Certain Attributes of Crosswalks. Journal of Transport Policy;32(2014). Published 2014, pp. 156-164.
  5. Eradius E. Rwakarehe and David A. Mfinanga. Effect of Inadequate Design on Cost and Time Overrun of Road Construction Projects in Tanzania. KICEM Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management, Vol. 4, No. 1/ Mar 2014 , pp. 16-28.
  6. Rimoy, S., Silva, M., Jardine, R., Foray, P., Yang, Z., Zhu, B.  & Tsuha, C. (2015). Field and model investigations into the influence of age on axial capacity of displacement piles in silica sands, Géotechnique 65 (7); pp 576 –589.
  7. Yang, Z. X., Jardine, R. J., Zhu, B. T. and Rimoy, S. P (2014). Closure to “Stresses Developed around Displacement Piles Penetration in Sand” by Z. X. Yang, R. J. Jardine, B. T. Zhu, and S. Rimoy, , J. of Geotech. and Geoenviron. Eng, ASCE, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001022.
  8. Yang, Z. X., Jardine, R. J., Zhu, B. T. and Rimoy, S. P (2014). Stresses developed around displacement piles penetration in sand, J. of Geotech. and Geoenviron. Eng, ASCE, 140(3): 04013027.
  9. Bwire, H. Application of Trip Generation Models for Urban Transport Planning in a Data Scarce Developing Country City: The Case Of Dar Es Salaam. Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume No.  Issue No.  2014.
  10. Lingwanda, M. I., Larsson, S. and Nyaoro, D. L Correlations of SPT, CPT and DPL Data for Sandy Soil in Tanzania” Geotechnical and Geological Journal, May 2015

2. Conference Papers

  1. Rimoy, S. & Jardine, R. (2015). Driven piles axial capacity ageing trends and mechanisms in silica sands, 3rd International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG) 10-12 June 2015., Oslo, Norway (Paper accepted).
  2. Rimoy, S. & Jardine, R. (2015). Analysis of an extended field test database regarding driven pile ageing in sands, XVI European Conference on Soil Mechanics & Geotechnical Engineering (ECSMGE), 13 – 17 September 2015, Edinburgh, UK (Paper submitted).
  3. Gordian, W., Bwire, H., Mattsson, G. and Jonsson, D. (2015). Effects of Land Use on Trip Generation in Urban Areas: Comparison between Estimated Trip Generation Rates and Planning Practices in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 34th Southern African Transport Conference, Pretoria, South Africa, 6-9 July 2015.
  4. Gordian, W., Bwire, H., Mattsson, G. and Jonsson, D. (2014). Correlation between household characteristics and effective use of travel modes in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 9th SIDA Annual conference in Entebe, Uganda, July 2014.
  5. Gordian, W., Bwire, H., Mattsson, G. and Jonsson, D. (2015). A GIS-Based land use and transport model exploring effects of land use change in travel demand; The case of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 10th SIDA Annual conference in Mozambique, 8-10 July 2015.
  6.  Lingwanda, M. I. and Nyaoro, D. L“Consequences of Geotechnical Uncertainties in Determination of Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations in Cohesive Soils” 10th Annual Regional Collaboration Conference  and Annual General Meeting at Girassol Indy Congress Hotel & Spa, in Maputo, Mozambique, 8th – 10th July 2015
  7. Lingwanda, M. I., S. Larsson, S. and Nyaoro, D. L.Consequences of Geotechnical Uncertainties in Predicting Settlement of Shallow Foundation on Sands” 16th African Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering - Tunisia – 27-30 April 2015
  8. Kyando, M. R. and Nyaoro, D. L. “Correlation between CPT Cone Resistances with Bearing Capacity for Shallow Foundation Design” 9thAnnual Regional Collaboration Conference and Annual General Meeting in Entebe, Uganda, 20th – 23rd July 2014
  9. Lingwanda, M. I., S. Larsson, S. and Nyaoro, D. L. “Inherent Soil Variability Linked To Different Characterization Methods”9thAnnual Regional Collaboration Conference and Annual General Meeting in Entebe, Uganda, 20th – 23rd July 2014