Established in July 1979, under the Faculty of Commerce and Management (now University of Dar es Salaam Business School), the Department of Accounting has gained a reputation for its teaching, consultancy service and research because of the quality of its staff. The Department offers a Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com – Accounting) and a number of postgraduate courses, namely MBA, MIT, MIB, MITL, MEED, PGDEED and PGDMF. The graduates of this Department have consistently been the best performers in professional examinations conducted by the National Board of Accountants and Auditors (NBAA) for the award of Certified Public Accountant (CPA). This is made possible because the majority of the staff in the Department are qualified accountants (with CPA qualification). The programmes offered by the Department provide students with an excellent education and prepare them for working in demanding expert positions in accounting as well as for conducting research. Members of the academic staff in the Department conduct research and consultancies singly or jointly in the areas of Financial Accounting, Accountability and Governance, Taxation, Public Assets Management, Pension Funds, Public Sector, Auditing, Corporate Social Responsibility, Management Accounting and Accounting Information Systems, to mention a few.
The United Republic of Tanzania
Full Name | Rank | Name of Department |
Veronica Charlses | Professor | Accounting |
Dr. Salome Maro | Lecturer | Computer Science and Engineering |