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Department of General Management

Dr. Theresia Dominic - Head

The Department of General Management was established in 1979 as an autonomous Department that caters for different disciplines, encompassing Human resource management; Information systems management; Logistics operations and management; General business management; Project management, monitoring and evaluation; Leadership and management development; Research methods; and Inventory management and control. The Department’s members of staff are qualified in diverse areas of management and are active in teaching both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Besides teaching and supervising students, academic members of staff are involved in research and consultancy. Among the important activities performed in conducting research are designing methods and instruments, collecting and analysing data and disseminating the results of such analysis through publications, seminars, workshops, conferences and other media. Through the members of staff, the Department of General Management also provides consultancy services to private institutions, government Ministries, Departments and Agencies, parastatals and international organizations.
In terms of human resources, the Department of General Management has one (1) Office Management Secretary and twenty three (23) members of academic staff. Of the latter, two (2) are Associate Professors, six (6) are Senior Lecturers, seven (7) are Lecturers, seven (7) more are Assistant Lecturers and one (1) is a Tutorial Assistant. All these members of staff are highly qualified and experienced in various specialized fields, which include: Management information systems; Human resource management; Logistics and supply chain management; Trade and international business; Strategic management, Project management, monitoring and evaluation; Leadership and management of development; Research methods; and Inventory management and control.