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Convocation Committees



Membership of the Convocation Executive Committee:

Five (5) categories of membership, namely:

(i)       The President of the Convocation – as the chief representative of the graduates/alumni of the University;

  • This is an Elective position;
  •  Serves as Chairman of the meetings by virtue of the Convocation Presidency;
  • Serves also as Deputy Chairman of the University Council (by virtue of the Convocation Presidency); 
  • Ideally, Elected every after three years (triennially);
  • The incumbent could be re-elected ad infinitum as long as the electorate needed him/her and/or as long as the individual was willing.

Presidents of the UDSM Convocation from 1970 to-date:



Amb. Mwanaidi S. Maajar              

2018- To date

Hon. Justice Joseph S. Warioba       


Amb. Juma V. Mwapachu                          


Professor IssaShivji                                           


Professor K. N. Hirji                                    


Professor H. Y. Kayumbo                                 


Dr. A. P. Bulengo         



 (ii)      The Vice-Chancellor – as Vice-Chairperson of the Convocation Meetings

  • By virtue of being Chief Executive Officer of the University;

(iii)     The Secretary to the Convocation

  • Who, by statute must be the Deputy Vice-Chancellor [Administration] and serves as chief administrator of Convocation affairs and records;

(iv)     Deputy Vice-Chancellor-Academic – as Ex-officio

  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor-Research – as Ex-officio
  • Principals of Constituent Colleges [in this case DUCE, MUCE& Mbeya College of Health and Allied Sciences] also as Ex-officio.

(v)      Alumni of the University elected from a wider pool of alumni outside of current employment within the UDSM or her Colleges.




To deliberate on and determine or propose principal activities of the Convocation [of routine and/or innovative nature] and, with approval of the ExCom, seek to articulate or follow-up on them in the interest of the entire alumni and the University, including maintaining and updating of the Alumni Directorate, as well as report on such activities at the annual general meetings (AGM) of the Convocation members; To maintain a calendar of meetings in time for a reporting to the Convocation Executive Meetings as may be scheduled;


Constituted by

  • Chairperson: as may be identified and nominated from among alumni (graduates) who would then, by virtue of such sub-committee chairmanship, be a member on the Convocation Executive Committee;
  • 5 to 7 members identified and nominated by the Executive Committee from among alumni (graduates) and/or other categories of the Convocation membership.




  • To maintain and edit certain regular publications for sound and effective communication, informative and educative value to the University’s alumni and the general public, such publications including:
  • Convocation Journal; and
  • Convocation Newsletter; as well as
  • Selected other publications or news briefs arising Convocation seminars, symposia or other important functions of the Convocation.
  • To maintain a calendar of meetings in time for a reporting to the Convocation Executive Meetings as may be scheduled;

Constituted by

  • Chairperson: as may be identified and nominated from among alumni (graduates) who would then, by virtue of such sub-committee chairmanship, be a member on the Convocation Executive Committee;
  • 5 to 7 members identified and nominated by the Executive Committee from among alumni (graduates) and/or other categories of the Convocation membership.




  • To serve as the Executive Committee’s think-tank on the possible generic source of funds that the University can tap towards sustainably running various activities for the benefit of the University community and alumni;
  • To advise the Executive Committee on the kind of projects and programmes that can be undertaken to the advantage of both the University and her alumni; and
  • To advise generally on fund-raising strategies for various causes.


Constituted by

  • Chairperson: as may be identified and nominated from among alumni (graduates) who would then, by virtue of such sub-committee chairmanship, be a member on the Convocation Executive Committee;
  • 5 to 7 members identified and nominated by the Executive Committee from among alumni (graduates) and/or other categories of the Convocation membership