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The Directorate of Post Graduate Studies (DPGS) formally replaced the School of Graduate Studies (DPGS) in 2009. The former School was established in 2006, with the main functions of administering and coordinating postgraduate studies at the University of the Dar es Salaam (UDSM). In the past twenty years, the postgraduate students’ population increased from about 100 in 1993/1994 to more than 5,000 in 2018/019. During the same period, postgraduate programmes increased from 48 to over 150.

In view of the rapid expansion of postgraduate programmes, coupled with the University restructuring programme, the UDSM Council at its 69th meeting approved the re-establishment of the Directorate of Post Graduate Studies (DPGS) and subsequently de-established the School of Graduate Studies (SGS). The DPGS has taken over all the functions of the SGS but with more responsibilities including providing the requisite environment for postgraduate studies and activities. Higher Degrees Doctor of Laws (LL.D.), Doctor of Literature (D.Lit.) and Doctor of Science (D.Sc.). These degrees are retained as higher doctorates to be awarded in accordance with regulations relating to higher doctorates at the University of Dar es Salaam.