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Risk Management forms part of UDSM’s governance and control arrangements. It is not an isolated activity, rather, it is one of the elements included in planning, project and performance management of the various activities of University. UDSM Risk Management activities are guided by University Risk Management Framework which includes risk management policy, fundamental principles, risk philosophy, risk strategies, governance structures, risk implementation processes and monitoring and review. On the other hand, the framework is informed by International Risk Management – Guidelines (ISO 31000:2018) and relevant National Guidelines. The Framework is operationalized through UDSM Risk Register which is reviewed annually. The function of Risk Management is responsible to undertake the following functions:

  • To ensure that all the current and future risk exposures of the UDSM are identified, assessed, quantified, and appropriately mitigated and managed;
  • To establish a framework for the UDSM’s risk management process and to ensure a University wide implementation;
  • To enable compliance with appropriate regulations, wherever applicable through adoption of best practices; and
  • To aid quality of decision making throughout the University

This Unit is led by Risk Coordinator who report directly to the Director of Planning, Development and Investment.