Dr. Dotto Paul Kuhenga, PhD
Head, Communication and Marketing Unit
BA (Dar), MA (Rhodes), MA, PhD (Dar)

Mr. Jacksonville Isdory Mushi
Public Relations Officer
BA (Dar), MA (UPM)
BA (Dar), MA (UPM)

Ms. Zamda George
Public Relations Officer
She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations and Master of Arts in Mass Communication from the University of Dar es Salaam. Her areas of specialization are Public Relations, Advertising and Social Marketing.
She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations and Master of Arts in Mass Communication from the University of Dar es Salaam. Her areas of specialization are Public Relations, Advertising and Social Marketing.

Mr. Ally M. Mambele
Marketing Officer
BBA(Marketing) - UDSM
Ally M. Mambele Is the Marketing Officer of Communication and Marketing Unit of University of Dar es Salaam, before join the CMU team he was Head of Marketing Unit of Institute of Kiswahili Studies. He also was a member of the Committee of establishment of Records Management and Archives Policy of the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM).
BBA(Marketing) - UDSM
Ally M. Mambele Is the Marketing Officer of Communication and Marketing Unit of University of Dar es Salaam, before join the CMU team he was Head of Marketing Unit of Institute of Kiswahili Studies. He also was a member of the Committee of establishment of Records Management and Archives Policy of the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM).

Mr. Wilson Jackson Remmy
University Webmaster
remmy.wilson@udsm.ac.tz or remmy.cw@hotmail.com
Mr. Remmy is a Webmaster at Communication and Marketing Unit (CMU), University of Dar es Salaam. He earned his B.Sc. in Computer Science (Software Engineering) at the Ruaha Catholic University (RUCU). He worked as a Data Officer at an NGO called Management and Development of Health (MDH) and a System Analyst at the Green Bird College.
remmy.wilson@udsm.ac.tz or remmy.cw@hotmail.com
Mr. Remmy is a Webmaster at Communication and Marketing Unit (CMU), University of Dar es Salaam. He earned his B.Sc. in Computer Science (Software Engineering) at the Ruaha Catholic University (RUCU). He worked as a Data Officer at an NGO called Management and Development of Health (MDH) and a System Analyst at the Green Bird College.

Mr. Tumaini Jameson Kibangara
University of Dar Es Salaam Photographer

Ms. Joyce Ernest Mgimbe
Office Management Secretary
She earned her Diploma in Secretarial Studies from Tanzania Public Service College (TPSC).
She earned her Diploma in Secretarial Studies from Tanzania Public Service College (TPSC).