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• Conduct short-term training needs assessments (TNAs) for academic, technical and administrative staff of UDSM.

• Increase the number of internal and external training/workshops.

• Update and digitize Course Catalogue and marketing.

• Facilitate, promote and report the provision of continuing education programs by UDSM units. Develop short term training guidelines.

• Establish and strengthen strategic partnerships for continuing education.

• Embed the Continuing Education Management Information System into the Consultancy Registration Information System (registration, evaluation, assessment, reporting, feedback, etc.).

• Harness the use of technology in providing demand driven continuing education.

• Build capacity of the trainers and consultants, particularly UDSM staff.

CE is endowed with over 3500 top-notch, experienced UDSM-wide experts in a variety of fields and has access to cutting-edge teaching facilities. It provides training and skills that add value to clients’ specializations and introduces them to new areas of specialization that give them an edge over others. The unit works with private, governmental, and non-governmental institutions in the areas of Research Methodology, Human Resource Management, Profession Ethics, Public Communication and Persuasion, Communication Skills and Strategies, Customer Care, as well as general Leadership and management.

Most training courses are offered on campus where the section is equipped with a training facility located at the Julius Nyerere Campus. However, with the current competitive environment, and in consideration for clients’ needs, arrangements are made for external tailored training programs.

The CE section works closely with other UDSM units engaged in the delivery of various internal and external capacity building and training programs. These include the Management and Development Consulting Bureau, Directorate of Human Resources Management and Administration, Directorate of Postgraduate Studies, Center for Virtual Learning and the Bureau of Industrial Cooperation among others. For these units, CE provides facilities and quality management of their training, jointly organizes training events and collaborates to serve clients with tailor made short training. Furthermore, the CE section provides support through an online course registration system for which trainees are able to register various courses advertised. The online registration system is found in this link:

The CE section has compiled a Catalogue of about One hundred and seven (107) short courses offered by various UDSM units. This comprehensive catalogue has been printed and disseminated to various internal and external stakeholders. Furthermore, the catalogue has been converted into an interactive web-based tool that enables easy and wide access to potential participants.

Training courses are conducted at the CE training facility located at UDSM Mlimani campus, which has a well-equipped and modern conference hall, multimedia projection and internet services, and printing and photocopying facilities. However, with the current competitive environment, arrangements to some courses can be tailored and delivered at the Silver Sands hotel or other client-preferred venues.

CE has immediate access to a large pool of human resources with a rich mix of high-level skills, experiences and competencies suitable for various courses. Thus, over the years, the CE has provided services to a number of institutions, public and private. In recent years, the CE section has been engaged more in the delivery of essential services for the needs of the UDSM community while co-running, coordinating, and supporting courses which are delivered by individual experts and units. Among the services offered to UDSM trainers and training units include quality management (such as pre, and post-evaluations), provision of training facilities, branding and standardization, promotion and marketing, linking trainers to clients/trainees, facilitation of institutional fee waiver requests, certification, and training report preparations.

The CE unit has on several occasions offered training of trainers in various training fields and improved the capacity of UDSM staff and students based on identified training needs.

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Head CE

Ms. Levina Benedict Kisaka

Head of Continuing Education

CE News and Activities