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University Consultancy Bureau (UCB)

UCB was established in June 1993 with the aim of offering consultancy services to the government, the local and international community, and the private sector of the economy. With the establishment of various consultancy bureaus at Unit Level, UCB has evolved into the apex unit engaged in coordinating efforts to solicit and implement consultancy services offered by the University. Through unit consultancy units and Consultancy Bureaus, UCB links the UDSM with stakeholders in the provision of relevant consultancy services, thus making the university staff and community more responsible and contribute to the socio-economic development of Tanzania. The UCB is located at the Mwalimu Nyerere Campus (Mlimani) of the University of Dar es Salaam and as such, it has access to more qualified and experienced staff that it draws for various uses.

The University Consultancy Bureau (UCB) has accumulated thirty (30) years of experience in managing consultancies of various types, levels, and scopes as demanded by clients and staffs at its disposal that have long-term and wide experiences in undertaking any type of work that clients will need. In the period of five (5) years between 2017, when an electronic system was established, and 2022, consultancy projects worth TZS 48.5 billion were registered by UCB. While 65% of UCB projects come from public institutions, the share of assignments by CSOs, private firms, and individuals currently standing at 35% has been rising over the years. To improve the performance of consultancy services, the bureau has recently undergone transformations in terms of quality assurance and interactions with clients. For instance, UCB has designed a customer survey to be rolled out in 2023.

Focus Areas of University Consultancy Bureau

  • • Coordinating activities undertaken by consultancy Bureaus and units at UDSM
  • • Facilitation of clients to access a wide range of UDSM expertise and services related to Consultancy and Service Jobs
  • • Enhancing the capacity of UDSM units and Bureaus to undertake consultancy jobs and coordinate improvements of the environment for consultancy services provision
  • • Providing clients with prompt access to reputable specialized expertise
  • • Coordinating the management, support, and M&E of consultancies

Why UCB?

Why engage UDSM on consultancy services?

The UCB and its coordinated consultancy Bureaus and units have a unique profile and capability of assembling a team of tried and tested top-class consultants to undertake any consultancy assignment in diverse fields of expertise. It draws on the expertise and consultancy experience of the staff of the University of Dar es Salaam with a wide range of competencies in dozens of specialized disciplines. Scientific and technical equipment, modern laboratories, workshops, and studios. Access to an extensive collection of reference books, scholarly journals, and other facilities which can be used in the delivery of research, short courses, and consultancy services.

The University of Dar es Salaam is playing a dynamic role in providing expert advisory services to all sectors of the national economy. Quite a number of UDSM consultants have participated in international consultancies and won recognition.

What we do:

  • • Map out the consultancy capacity in various departments/faculties and institutes as well as to assist departments develop an aggressive consultancy acquisition policy
  • • Identify potential contracted research and consultancies that could be undertaken at the University of Dar es Salaam and guide departments in the choice of relevant areas
  • • Facilitate improvements in the overall contractual research and consultancy capacity utilization of the University of Dar es Salaam, improving contract with relevant clients
  • • Coordinate and facilitate multi-disciplinary contractual research and consultancies being executed by various staff members of the University of Dar es Salaam
  • • Cultivate continuing education relevant partnership and networks with other education institutions, businesses, NGOs, and local and international organizations

Clients are increasingly using UDSM for various services and development of their organizations. Consultancies including short training and service jobs, including material tests, and translation services are part of university public services. Such services enable UDSM to serve clients, generate income, and exchange knowledge with teaching and research services. This makes our services reliable and affordable to client expectations. UCB coordinates and reports all consultancy jobs of the university, including those conducted through consultancy bureaus described below:

  1. Management Development Consultancy Bureau (MDCB)
  2. Natural Sciences Consultancy Bureau (NSCoB)
  3. Bureau for Industrial Cooperation (BICO)
  4. Centre of Research and Professional Development (CRPD) from School of Education (SoED)
  5. Social Sciences Consultancy Bureau (SSCB)
  6. Mining Earth Resource Management (MERM) Bureau
  7. College of ICT Consultancy Bureau (CCB)

Attachement :Download

manager UCB

Dr. Hezron Makundi

University Consultancy Bureau Manager

List of UDSM Bureau
Management Development Consultancy Bureau (MDCB)
Natural Sciences Consultancy Bureau (NSCoB)
Bureau for Industrial Cooperation (BICO)
Centre of Research and Professional Development (CRPD) from School of Education (SoED)
Social Sciences Consultancy Bureau (SSCB)
Mining Earth Resource Management (MERM) BUREAU
College of ICT Consultancy BUREAU (CCB)

UCB News and Acticvities