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Rationale for Yearbook on Media Quality

After the liberalisation of the media space in Tanzania in the 1980s and 1990s, media outlets have mushroomed, but the quality of media reporting in the country has not been thoroughly assessed, although it has attracted interests from governments, media stakeholders and development partners. The Yearbook on Media Quality in Tanzania responds to this need to have a systematic and continuous knowledge of media quality.

Media scholars, media practitioners and the public usually have similar expectations of the quality of reporting. These requirements include observing the social-political environment, reporting on issues that are relevant to various audiences, reporting the truth, giving a comprehensive report not only on day-to-day events, but also the underlying trends and causes of development. This will set the political agenda, create a forum for public debate that allows diverse range of views, and will hold power holders accountable

The Yearbook is meant to strengthen the awareness of media reporting quality in the country and to stimulate discussion on the same with the view of improving the quality of reporting. It is an information resource for journalists, editors, media managers, media owners, media organisations, policy makers, academia, and everyone who wishes to be actively involved with the development of our media and their contents.

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The Director of CG FM, Mr. Charles George (sixth from left), the Manager of CG FM, Mr. Adam Hhando (seventh from left), the YearBook Programme Manager, Dr. Malima Zacharia (fifth from left), the YearBook instructor, Ms. Swaum Manengelo (fourth from left), on group photo with journalist of CG FM radio during the outreach activities held at CG FM radio in Tabora on October 25 – 26, 2023.


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The Manger of Dodoma FM, Ms. Zania Amard Miraji (left), with a group of other Dodoma FM journalists listen to the YearBook instructor (not in picture), during the integration into newsroom training held on October 27 – 28, 2023 in Dodoma.

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Year Book Media Quality Reports



2021: MEDIA COVERAGE OF 2020 GEs - English


2019: English

2019: Kiswahili

2018: Report

2017: Report