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DPDI Functions


The Functions of the Directorate Planning, Development and Investment (DPDI) include:

  • Guide and provide advice on all matters pertaining to planning, development and investment;
  • Develop and continuously review UDSM expansion targets including physical infrastructure (physical planning);
  • Initiate, develop and oversee the implementation of all development projects at UDSM;
  • Serve as a custodian of all University policies, regulations, guidelines, and operational manuals and monitor their implementation;
  • Develop and regularly review the University Corporate Strategic Plan (CSP) and University Strategic Plan, and advise management on their effective implementation;
  • Coordinate and control the planning as well as effective and efficient utilisation of UDSM resources and timely collection of contractual dues;
  • Coordinate preparation of University budget and monitor execution of the same;
  • Serve as Secretary to the Council Committee responsible for planning and finance, and any other relevant sub-committees;
  • Collect, analyse, maintain and provide the University and its stakeholder’s timely and accurate statistics and data for academic and administrative nature and conduct forecasting and statistical analysis for decision making;
  • Link all data management tools (e.g. ARIS, Research Repository, OPRAS) for maintaining consistency, sharing of information and enhanced accessibility;
  • Develop and implement relevant performance management and reporting systems and planning analytical processes to track University performance;
  • Coordinate the development, review and implementation of university investment policy and guidelines;
  • Coordinate the university investment such as university land, landed properties, Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects, purchase of corporate stocks and bonds and government securities;
  • Advise Management on appropriate rent and fees to be charged to entities wishing to rent space or operate within UDSM premises;
  • Oversee the operation of all University investment and income generation projects/activities;
  • Research and assist in preparing reports on policy and issues that have impact on University growth, functions and development;
  • Develop and oversee the implementation of risk management policy and risk register and ensure regular reviews;
  • Establish an effective institutional planning model, including strategy plan maps, balanced scorecard methodology and dashboard; and
  • Build and maintain an accurate database of all categories of potential and actual investors.