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Welcome Note

With a great honor, I would like to welcome you to the Directorate of Planning, Development and Investment (DPDI) webpage. This platform provides information on various components and activities of the Directorate as well as the services it offers to the University community and the public at large. The Directorate executes and monitors implementation of the University operational, tactical, and strategic plans and all matters pertaining to University development and resources mobilization and sustainability.

The Directorate comprises of two (2) sections and three (3) business Units. These include Planning and Development Section and Investment Section. The three business Units include University of Dar es Salaam Insurance Agency (UDIA), Central Pool Transport Unit (CPTU) and Research Flats. Planning and Development Section is responsible for strategic planning, overseeing project development, and ensuring efficient resource allocation to achieve sustainable and inclusive development. On the other hand, the Investment Section is responsible for managing of various investments at the University.

The University of Dar es Salaam Insurance Agency (UDIA) provides insurance services to the University staff, students and the general community at large while the primary responsibility of the Central Pool Transport Unit (CPTU) is to provide transport services to the University and general community. Similarly, Research Flats offers accommodation and conference facilities to both University and other customers.

The Directorate is dedicated to work closely with our existing and potential stakeholders in order to provide quality services to our community.

I welcome you all to access our webpage and contact us for any feedback and inputs. Thank you so much for visiting our webpage.

Prof. Siasa I. Mzenzi
Director of Planning, Development and Investment.