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The 14th East African Communication Association (EACA) Conference 2024


Host: University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: 28th – 30th August 2024

Conference Theme: Africa and the Global Dialogue on Media and Communication

The East African Communication Association (EACA) was established in 2011 by a group of Journalism, Media and Communication scholars working in East Africa. EACA brings together scholars, researchers and others involved in communication and media studies to share research on the media in the region. EACA membership is primarily drawn from universities in East Africa, but the association is open to collaboration with journalism/media scholars and practitioners from all over the world. It has had members from Germany, South Africa, West Africa, Norway and the United States among others. Since its inception, EACA has held annual conferences in Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda.

EACA Objectives

  1. To promote communication studies as an academic discipline in East Africa.
  2. To provide a forum where scholars, researchers, and others involved in communication studies and practice can meet and exchange information and ideas about their work.
  3. To promote the study, criticism, research, teaching, and application of the creative, professional and scientific principles of communication.
  4. To strive to improve communication research, policy, and practice.
  5. To contribute to the development and improvement of the education and training of communication professionals using appropriate research and critical scholarship


The 2024 Conference Host

The University of Dar es Salaam, School of Journalism and Mass Communication (SJMC) will host the conference this year. SJMC is among the leading institutions in the field of media and communication studies in East Africa. Established in 1970 as the Tanzania School of Journalism (TSJ), it offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, and has a strong track record in research and engagement with the media industry. Hosting the EACA conference in 2024 is a significant honour for SJMC, and it commits to provide a vibrant platform for intellectual exchange and collaboration.


The 14th EACA 2024 Conference

The East Africa Communication Association (EACA) invites scholars, researchers, practitioners, and students to submit abstracts for the upcoming conference in August 2024.

The conference will provide a platform for exploring and discussing the diverse facets of communication in East Africa, fostering interdisciplinary dialogue, and promoting the

exchange of innovative ideas. The conference aims to foster a dynamic and inclusive dialogue between scholars, researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and regulators across East Africa and the globe. The conference will explore diverse challenges and opportunities shaping the media and communication studies field, with a particular focus on the East African context.


Context of the conference

The theme of the 14th EACA Conference, ‘Africa and the Global Dialogue on Media and Communication,’ resonates with the current state of the media landscape. Examining both

regional and global perspectives on Media and Communication Studies is not only relevant, but also critical for several reasons:

  1. East Africa’s unique position: The region is experiencing rapid technological advancements, demographic shifts, and evolving political dynamics. These factors profoundly impact media consumption, production, and regulation, and thus creating opportunities and challenges. Analysing these issues through a regional lens allows for a nuanced understanding beyond Western-centric frameworks.
  2. Interconnectedness of global challenges: Misinformation, disinformation, hate speech, and digital rights concerns plague media landscapes worldwide. While these issues manifest differently in East Africa, a global dialogue is crucial to share best practices, learn from diverse experiences, and develop collaborative solutions.
  3. Reimagining research and scholarship: The traditional boundaries between academic research and industry practices are blurring. The conference fosters dialogue between scholars, practitioners, and policymakers, encouraging interdisciplinary approaches and research with real-world impact.
  4. Building regional capacity: East Africa possesses immense talent and intellectual potentials in media and communication studies. This dialogue platform empowers regional scholars and practitioners, facilitating knowledge exchange and fostering future generations of critical thinkers and skilled professionals.
  5. Shaping the future of communication and journalism: The media landscape is constantly evolving, and open dialogue is essential to address emerging challenges and opportunities. By bringing together diverse voices, the conference paves the way for responsible, ethical, and inclusive communication and journalism practices in East  Africa and globally

Generally, the theme of the 14th EACA Conference is not just timely, but also essential. By fostering regional and global dialogue on critical challenges, it has the potential to shape a more inclusive, equitable, and informed media landscape for the future of this region.


Sub themes

1. Media innovations and sustainability in the digital era

2. Media and information literacy in the age of Artificial Intelligence

3. Gender issues and children safety: Moderating harmful content on online platforms

4. Media, democracy and elections in Africa

5. The rise of influencer marketing

6. The dilemma of Investigative Journalism in Africa

7. Reporting war and conflicts

8. Integrating Global Journalism, Tourism, Climate change and Conservation

9. Kiswahili and the future of African languages for communication

10. Media discourse, representation and identity

11. Reimagining Public Relations and Marketing

12. The future of journalism in the Global South


Outputs of the 14th EACA Conference

i. Analytical Papers

Submitted and peer-reviewed papers presented at the conference will delve into diverse aspects of the conference theme, offering critical analyses and original research findings. Papers will be compiled into a conference proceedings volume, serving as a valuable resource for scholars, practitioners, and policymakers interested in the latest developments in the field. Then, the committee will select high-quality papers to be published in the EACA journal to further extend their reach and impact.

ii. Presentations

Engaging presentations by keynote speakers, panellists, and researchers will spark discussions and disseminate knowledge in an accessible format. Recordings or transcripts of select presentations may be available online, expanding the conference’s reach beyond physical attendees.

iii. Conference Report

A comprehensive conference report will capture the events’ key themes, discussions, and outcomes. The report will summarize the main findings presented in analytical papers and presentations, highlighting areas of consensus and debate. The report will also document recommendations and action points generated during the conference, serving as a roadmap for future research, policy development, and collaborative initiatives.

Expected outcomes

i. Strengthened networks and collaborations

The event will bring together diverse stakeholders from across East Africa and the globe, facilitating the exchange of ideas and the formation of new partnerships for research, capacity building, and advocacy efforts.

ii. Enhanced regional scholarship

The conference will contribute to the visibility and recognition of East African scholarship in the field of media and communication studies, promoting regional voices and perspectives on the global stage.

iii. Capacity development

The conference will provide opportunities for scholars and practitioners, particularly from East Africa, to learn from leading experts and engage in knowledge-sharing activities, fostering regional expertise and capacity in the field.

Submission Guidelines

• Abstracts should be no more than 300 words and include the title, author(s), affiliation, and contact information.

• Clearly indicate the chosen conference sub-theme.

• Include a brief biography (50 words) and contact information.

• Submissions should be sent to

Important Dates:

• Abstract submission deadline: 30th May 2024

• Notification of acceptance: 15th June 2024

• Full paper submission: 30th July 2024

• Conference dates: 28th – 30th August 2024


Keynote Speakers and Panellists Discussion

We are pleased to announce renowned scholars and industry professionals as keynote speakers, who will share their insights on the conference theme and contribute to thought-provoking discussions. Meanwhile, we invite experts to propose panel discussions that delve into specific communication topics, trends, or challenges relevant to the global context. Panels should foster engaging conversations and provide valuable insights for conference attendees


Conference registration fee

• Students: 25 USD

• EACA Members: 30 USD

• Non-EACA Members: 65 USD

• EACA Annual Membership fee: 30 USD

Fee payment details

Conference and membership fees might be paid upon arrival at the conference venue, or in advance through the following EACA account details:

Account Name: East African Communication Association

Bank: Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB)

Branch: Village Market

Account Number: 1134186622

Swift Code: KCBLKENX

Alternatively, you may pay through M-Pesa: Pay bill no. 522522

EACA membership benefits

1. Opportunities for increased academic and professional networks.

2. Accreditation to a professional body.

3. Legibility to vote and be voted into the EACA Executive Board.

4. Legibility to convene the Annual Conference.

5. A certificate of participation in EACA Annual Conferences.

6. Links to jobs, research, scholarships, and publication opportunities.

7. Mentorship opportunities.


For more information,


Alternatively, you may contact the Convener, Dr Egbert Mkoko through Telephone number +255 759 773727

(also available on WhatsApp) or Email