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Department of Finance

Dr. Tobias A. Swai - HEAD
The Department of Finance is one of the four Departments of the University of Dar es Salaam Business School, at the University of Dar es Salaam. The Department hosts two undergraduate degree programmes (Bachelor of Commerce in Corporate Finance – with specialization in Financial Markets, Leasing and Corporate Finance; and Banking and Financial Services) and one postgraduate programme (Master of Finance and Accounting in Oil & Gas). The department also offer teaching services to various courses offered across the University, and plays an important role in offering Masters of Business Administration with specialization in Finance and BSc. in Actuarial Science. The Department also hosts the Center for Banking and Financial Services Research.
The Department has 23 permanent academic staff, 6 part-time academic staff and one full time administrative staff. The department teaches 67 courses every year, which are offered to more than 1,800 students across the University. The Department hosts about 200 graduates each year in Undergraduate courses and about 15 for the postgraduate programmes.
The Department engages in research activities through two research teams namely the Banking and Financial Services Team and the Corporate Finance Team. Also, it offers various research activities through the Center for Banking and Financial Services Research. Academic members of staff serve on Editorial Boards of prominent academic journals. Most of the members also participate in various committees as facilitators and members at the National, University and at the school level, as well as holding various administrative positions within the University. The Department is governed by the University guiding Charter, Regulations and Guidelines on various aspects related to accademia, research, administration and finance. The department is implementing the vision of the University which is “To become a leading Centre of Intellectual Wealth spearheading the Quest for Sustainable and Inclusive Development”.
Academic members of staff are expected to undertake Ph.D Studies of which 13 are PhD. holders, 8 in Ph.D studies and 2 in the application process. Our part time staff 3 have Ph.Ds and 3 have masters degrees and quite knowledgeable with the practical world. Academic staff are expected to engage in work leading to publication, either scholarly or innovation. Each year, several members of the department compete successfully for various grants available in and out of the University to support their research or to improve their teaching and outreach services.
To be a reputable world-class Science College that is responsive to national, regional and global sustainable and inclusive development.
To foster science education in Tanzania and beyond through quality and relevant skills development, scientific research and innovations, and public services.
“Science for Sustainable Development”
“Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship.” – Benjamin Franklin