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  • Empower Limited Company visit DPS for strategic meeting
    on 12 April 2024
  • Empower Limited Company visit DPS for strategic meeting
    on 12 April 2024

Prof. Neema Geofrey Mori.

Director of Public Services


Welcome to the Directorate of Public Services where we serve our community with passion and intellect. One of the three pillars of education at the University of Dar es Salaam besides teaching and Research is Public Services. Through community engagement, lifelong learning and consultancy expertise, the Directorate of Public Services works toward uplifting the socio-economic wellbeing of the people. Through our three units: Continuing Education, Consultancy, and Industrial Liason, we connect with communities in provision of trainings and services to disadvantaged communities in Tanzania

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We have a customised Hands-on Programmes for Professionals who need to keep their skills current and stay compliant with industry standards.
The Directorate of Public Services (DPS) is one among the directorates under the Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor-Research. It has three sections namely: University Consultancy Bureau (UCB), Continuing Education (CE) and industrial liason (IL)
To become a leading centre of quality learning and create access to professional services through consultancy, continuing education, and linkages to spearhead inclusive societal development.
To efficiently facilitate, coordinate and promote the provision of quality consulting, continuing education, and university-industry linkage services for mutual benefit with UDSM stakeholders.

DPS Units

Consultancy Bureau(UCB)

University Consultancy Bureau

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Continuing Education

Continuing Education

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Industrial Liason (IL)

Industrial Liason (IL)

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