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The University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) is actively engaged in a wide array of research projects aimed at addressing critical societal needs and contributing to global knowledge. UDSM’s research initiatives are organized through various colleges, schools, and specialized research centers, reflecting the university’s comprehensive approach to research and innovation.

Research Cooperations

1.  UDSM - Sida Cooperation Programme

The UDSM guided by its Vision 2061 to rightful role in facilitating the BRN. As part of that effort, this proposal was developed in response to the Sida call of August 2014 for enhancing Tanzania-Sweden research partnerships 2015-2020 and is aimed at facilitating the UDSM aspirations “Towards Enhanced Sustainability of Strategic Research and Innovation Systems for Inclusive Development in Tanzania”. Taking full advantage of the various achievements from earlier support from Sida and other development partners, the overall objective is to generate sufficient analytical capacity and research based knowledge and technological innovations with appropriate and immediate valuable outcomes to relevant stakeholders (policy makers, industry, civil society etc.) in addressing the problem of poverty and promoting sustainable and inclusive development.

Sustainability measures include the enhancements of analytical capacities (through training of 64 PhD, 36 Masters and 20 Postdocs) and research environment (via establishment of 3 new research centres and strengthening 2 existing ones) for driver sector research. With UDSM outputs eventually feeding also into the Tanzania University Network, the proposed capacity strengthening measures would also improve our youth participation at higher levels of education (especially for females) and hence improve the percentage of high skilled workers that so far are insufficient (3%). The proposed research and analytical capacity development initiatives will involve a total of ten (10) Swedish institutions namely Stockholm University, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology, University of Uppsala, University of Skövde, University of Gothenburg, Royal Institute of Technology, Lund University, Linköping University and Mälardalen University.

The programme consists of 12 sub programmes 10 of which are research programmes and 2 are supporting programmes: Strengthening the Research Management at UDSM and Strengthening Access to and Utilization of Research Information at UDSM. The major motivations of the 10 research programmes are:

Addresses problems of over-harvesting, declining fish stocks and diversity, and environmental changes caused by climate and non-climate factors. Researchers work in close collaboration with the local communities of fisher folks and their emerging enterprises will address the unavailability of reliable seed, lack of genetic management and poor hatchery procedures thus degrading the performance of farmed species through inbreeding, genetic drift and uncontrolled hybridization. They also intend to assess and recommend technologies suitable for maintaining the integrity of biologically rich environments and minimize impacts, reduce post-harvest losses, assess and recommend legal and policy environment to promote ecosystem approach to fisheries management and aquaculture development.

With a multidisciplinary approach, will focus on research in agroforestry, peri-urban agriculture, crop breeding, diseases control, dairy farming and environmental management for improved Food Security.

Attempts to develop cost-effective diagnostics and use plant and microbial natural products for development of new drugs to combat non-communicative diseases as well as contributing to food security by training researchers in mushrooms endophytic fungi and lichens in strong public-private partnership bringing discovery to the industry.

Intends to develop human, technical and scientific capacity to facilitate the implementation of automation of monitoring, evaluation, analysis, control and management of electrical power system (smart grid) in order to improve delivery efficiency and to optimize operational costs in the electrical power system in Tanzania.

Will address the need for a gender informed value chain approach when studying agriculture and entrepreneurship. Failure to grasp the bigger picture has led to fragmented agricultural value chains in Tanzania, which points to the need for innovative models and approaches that will ensure inclusive and sustainable rural development.

Will investigate and optimize the use of low-cost affordable adsorbents to remove fluoride and arsenic from drinking water.  A pilot water defluoridation plant will be constructed and tested at one of the places with excess fluoride. This will also involve a pilot plant for preparation of adsorbents from locally available resources.

Addresses the broad question; how can the natural resources and their associated biodiversity be managed to provide goods and services equitably and sustainably to the people? The programme aims at collaborating across ongoing initiatives in an effort to establish sustainable water resources management options and mechanisms for implementing public-private partnerships for the sustainable development of the Kilimo Kwanza policy in Tanzania.

Addresses the lack of expertise in sanitation in Tanzania. It intends to strengthen the interdisciplinary research capacity in integrated sanitation management (ISM). In Tanzania, only a minority of its rural and urban population have access to potable water and sustainable sanitation. With a growing population, increasing rates of urbanization and expansion of slum areas, dilapidated water and sanitation infrastructure, pollution of existing water sources and the added threats of climate change; the needs for both water and sanitation in particular, will continue to rise, making this research area an urgent matter.

Addresses the general need for increased competence in Mathematics at a general level in Tanzania, but with focus on Higher Education (HE). Basic Science, Technology and Innovation (BSTI) play a major role in the socio-economic development of any country. Capacity building of human resource in BSTI is therefore vital. The advancement of BSTI and related research highly depends on mathematical knowledge and competencies in problem solving.

Will carry out research on (1) the sustainability of natural and cultural tourism resources for inclusive development; (2) community involvement in the country’s tourism planning and policies and their influence on local content strategies, green growth and innovations; (3) innovations and entrepreneurship in the private sector in tourism as pathways to sustainable growth and inclusive development; and (4) Tourism resource efficiency, social inclusiveness and conservation for economic growth.


3.  Climate Change Impact, Adaptation and Mitigation Program (CCIAM)