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This is a five-year programme, comprises basic medical science courses in the first two years and clinical subjects from the third to the fifth year. The courses are delivered through seminars, lectures, practicals and laboratory classes. Students spend most of their time in clinical rotations in hospital wards from the third to the fifth year. They also undergo training in research in the second, third and fourth years of study.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the programme, graduates shall be able to:

  1. Acquire a comprehensive knowledge of the relationships between theory and practice in basic Biomedical sciences, Clinical medicine, health system management, professional ethics and implications for a medical doctor's moral and professional conduct in the society.
  2. Develop appropriate skills in selecting and using medical equipment, integrating ICT in medical care, designing and implementing laboratory and outdoor experimentation, analysis and interpreting measurement data for health.
  3. Demonstrate application of basic medical sciences and the right communication skills to manage common medical conditions and counsel patients, their relatives and the society on preventive measures.
  4. Demonstrate and adhere to professional conduct that is expected of a medical professional and research ethics as applicable to health research.


Career Prospects

  1. Entrepreneurial opportunities: Graduates of the programme can engage in professional consultancy services and venture into private firms in the graduate’s field of specialities. They can establish health-related businesses such as clinics, health centres, hospitals, pharmacies, laboratories etc.
  2. Employment opportunities: Graduates of the programme have access to a variety of career opportunities in the private and public sectors, including being clinical physicians, advisers in public health programmes, dealing with preventive and curative services, health managers, medical teachers, clinical forensic medical examiners, crowd doctors, and medical/pharmaceutical researchers. MD degree is a requirement for most medical specialisations and many health-related specialties and subspecialties. Thus, MD graduates can be trained and involved in sport and exercise medicine and be volunteers, medical sales representatives, medical-legal advisors, occupational physicians, transplant coordinators, radiology/diagnostic imaging directors, and investment bankers to help companies obtain funds and offer advice on mergers, acquisitions and healthcare equity research.
  3. Leadership/Community-based opportunities: Graduates of the programme can offer leadership in NGOs and community-based health-related services and activities. They can engage in community-based clinics offering advice on disease prevention and care.

Eligibility for admission into the MD programme is as follows:

a) Direct Entrants

(i) Principal pass at ‘C’ grade or higher in Chemistry or Biology/Zoology or Physics/Mathematics provided the other two subjects are not below D at “A”level. Preference will be given to applicants with credit passes (“C” or above) in Chemistry or Biology in that order. (ii) Candidates with ‘D’ in Physics/Mathematics at “A” level provided they have “C” or higher in Chemistry and/or Biology. (iii) Candidates with ‘D’ in Physics/Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology at “A” Level provided they have at least a credit pass in Chemistry and/or Biology at “O” level.

b) Equivalent Qualifications

  1. Appropriate Diploma/Certificate/Degree with principal passes at any grade in Physics, Chemistry and Biology at “A” Level of education. (ii) Holders of BSc degree majoring in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Zoology or Chemistry and Biology/Zoology.
Field of Study
Programme Type